Change the Due Date and Time of the Already Assigned Task

Change the Due Date and Time of the Already Assigned Task

  1. Navigate to My Activities module.
  2. Go to My Tasks.
  3. Select Assigned by me from drop down option, and the system will list down all the tasks you have assigned to users.
  4. Click on the assigned task tab for which you want to change the date.

  1. The system will open the task details on the left-hand side. Click on the date under Due Date

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. The system will edit the date, and you can simply choose any date from the calendar. The Right arrow  option will allow you to choose date from the next month.
  2. The Up arrow  option will allow you to scroll up the time slot to choose.
  3. The Right arrow  option will allow you to scroll down the time slot to choose.  
  4. Once the date and time are chosen, click on  Green Tick to save the changes.

  1. The updated due date and time will be visible under Due Date
  2. The number of pending days to complete the task will also be updated in the assigned task bar. 

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