Configuring Individual User Permissions in Admin Module of InsightsCRM

Configuring Individual User Permissions in Admin Module of InsightsCRM


  1. Access the Admin Dashboard: Navigate to the Admin Module in InsightsCRM. 
  2. Manage User Access: Select 'Manage Users' to modify user access controls. 
  3. Choose a User: Pick a specific user from the user list to adjust their permissions. 



  1. Adjust Permissions: Under the 'Permissions' section, you have the flexibility to grant or restrict access to various functionalities. This can be done by checking (to grant) or unchecking (to restrict) the respective functionality boxes. 
  2. Save Configuration: After setting the appropriate permissions, click 'Save Changes' to update the user's access profile. 



Purpose of Individual User Permissions in Insights CRM: The individual user permission feature in Insights CRM is designed to enhance privacy and operational efficiency. By assigning permissions on a user-by-user basis, the system ensures that each team member has access only to the modules and features necessary for their work. This tailored approach to permissions not only protects sensitive information by limiting access but also streamlines the user experience, making it more relevant and efficient for each team member’s role. 


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