Create Deal Pipelines in InsightsCRM

Create Deal Pipelines in InsightsCRM

Deal pipelines are the transaction workflow for a deal. Different deals can have different pipelines. Users can create a new pipeline from scratch or can also select a pre-existing pipeline. Users also have an option to modify a pipeline according to their needs. 

To create a new Deals Pipeline, follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to Admin Module from left side. 
  2. Click on Deals Pipelines. 
  3. Click on the Start from Scratch. 



  1. Enter the name of the pipeline and click on Save to add pipeline name.  



  1. Enter the category(s) name for the pipeline and click on Save to add the category.  



  1. Enter the Stage(s) name and click on Save to save the details.  



Once the stage(s) are added, you can set the probability % for each stage by clicking on the edit button. 




Set the probability % and click on the Green Tick button to save it. 




  1. Click on the Publish button to save the deal pipeline. 





NOTE: You can also click on Save as Draft to modify the pipeline later. 

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