To create a task, follow these steps:
- Navigate to My Activities module from the left indent panel.
- Click on
Plus icon.
- Click on Task.
- A new ‘Add Task’ window will appear. Mention the Subject of the Task.
- Write the details of the task under Task Notes.
- Select the assignee from the drop-down option to assign the task. Users will have the option to assign the task to themselves as well by selecting ‘Myself’ under Assign To.
- Choose the Due Date from the Calendar.
- If the task is to be performed against a specific deal, mention the name of the ‘Deal’.
- Select the Recipient from the drop-down option.
- Select the Task Type from the drop-down menu.
- Users can search for the Tags and tag the task accordingly, if required.
- Any file related to task can be attached to the task by clicking on Browse option.
- Click on the Save button to save the task.

- The task will be assigned to the user, and you can view the same in the My Tasks tab under Assigned by me.