Record a Note against a Contact

Record a Note against a Contact

The user can add a note in the system against a contact; the user can also create a task from that note. 

  1. From the Contact profile page:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts module. 

  1. Click on the contact's name against whom you want to record a Note.

  1. Click on the Notes  icon.

A screenshot of a chatDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

  1. A new Add Note window will be displayed; mention the subject of the note in Enter Subject field.

  1. Write the Notes in the Notes field. 

  1. The highlighted portion below the Note Subject Field can be used to modify the text in the Notes field. 
  2. User can attach a document in the notes by clicking on the attachment icon.
  3. Users can also add tags by clicking on the tag icon and selecting the tags.
  4. Click on the Save option to save the notes.

  1. The saved note will be visible under the contact profile. Also, the Attachment and tags (if attached/inserted) will be visible along with the saved notes. 

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