Navigating Through the Account's Profile Page

Navigating Through the Account's Profile Page

  1. Navigate to the Accounts module.
  2. Click on the Account name to navigate through the profile page.

  1. Profile name can be seen along with shortcut icons to open Email, Call, Meeting, Note, and Search.
  2. Can be navigated to My interactions, Service History, Active deals, My Tasks, etc using the  button.
  3. Profile email address is visible.
  4. The phone number is visible and can be added/updated if required.
  5. Interest will be visible.
  6. The Tags can be added to Interest if required.
  7. Upcoming Tasks can be seen if any.
  8. A New Task can be added to upcoming tasks.
  9. My Interactions can be seen and can be searched for historical interactions. 
  10. Contact details available.
  11. Statistical Summary to view graph.

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