About intelligence around Deal level confidentiality

About intelligence around Deal level confidentiality

InsightsCRM has the functionality of Deal confidentiality. The users who are not part of the Deal will not be able to view the Deal and its details. The same will be the case with the Service History of the client's Service History, as any interaction against a Locked Deal will not be visible to the user who is not part of the Deal Team.  
  1. The logged-in user will see the Deal Locked icon if the individual is not the part of the deal.  

  1. If any interaction is done with the client against a Deal of which the logged-in user is not part, of then he will not be able to see that interaction in the Service History of the client; instead, the user will see the Lock icon for that interaction in Service History. Also, while initiating any interaction, the user can only select the deals for which both parties are part of and vice versa.

A screenshot of a chatDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

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